Training is integral to our work at Public Safety and can take many forms. All employees are required to be state-licensed security officers and must meet all state-required training and standards prior to entering on-the-job training.

On-the-job training lasts from 3-7 weeks, depending on the officer’s prior experience. The average training period lasts five weeks.

Each officer is also sent off campus for additional training at a campus safety officers academy conducted at various campuses in greater New England. Coursework includes topics unique to campus environments and professional communication and de-escalation methods.

Before completing on-the-job training, each new officer is certified or trained in the areas listed below. Annually each officer in the department is either re-certified or refreshed in each topic. 

Initial and annual certification or refresher training:

  • MOAB- the management of aggressive behavior. This course teaches de-escalation techniques to intervene with a combative person safely.

  • Defensive tactics: Use of Pepper Spray, baton, and handcuffs (for emergency interventions only)

  • First aid: Emergency first aid and CPR

  • Bloodborne Pathogens

  • Unconscious bias and professional communication

  • Community-oriented policing 

The following topics are planned for late spring and summer refresher training

 For supervisors --legal liability and best practices in managing and supervising safety officers. Training will be web-based with feedback opportunities and small group exercises. It will reflect core issues such as how to identify red flags suggesting a lack of professionalism or honesty by officers. Segregating understandable mistakes from intentional or unconscious bias. And maintaining high quality professional relations with the campus community.

Resource center update and training regarding planned programming by the center and opportunities for Public Safety to be mutually supportive.

For department officers --

Psychological first aid

Racial diversity and compliance communications including ethical interventions training by WSM consultants

CPR for the professional rescuer

Over a multi-year period, officers have opportunities to participate in the training listed below:

Other training opportunities:

Report writing
Sexual Harassment
Sexual assault response
Patrol Techniques
Fire Safety
Cultural diversity
Dispatch training
Defensive Driving 
Campus Public Safety Response to Weapons of Mass Destruction 
State Security Officers License 
Suicide prevention 
Uncovering Implicit Bias 
The Power of Respectful Language 
Making Excellence Inclusive 
CAPS - Students in Crisis Reference Training 
Harassment Training